Landeshauptstadt München

Employee in the photovoltaics department (f/m/d)

Administration, Energy generation & supply, Others, Project management & planning, Public service, administration, Real estate, construction, financing, Technical management, project planning, Technology
Active since: 18.09.2024

Employee in the photovoltaics department (f/m/d)

Your tasks

  • Munich wants to generate a quarter of its electricity consumption with solar power from within the city by 2035. As a specialist, you will play an active role in shaping Munich’s photovoltaic expansion. You will routinely take on coordinating, conceptual and operational tasks with a focus on photovoltaics – acting confidently both within the city and externally.
  • As a technical interface, you will strengthen the implementation focus of the photovoltaic agency: The photovoltaic agency in the Munich Building Center, Department for Climate and Environmental Protection, makes a significant contribution to the expansion of photovoltaics throughout the city. To this end, you will support and advise the photovoltaic operators in the acquisition of suitable roof areas and at the same time mediate the owners of suitable roof areas to interested parties who implement photovoltaic systems there.

Your qualifications

  • A successfully completed university degree in engineering or a successfully completed university degree in architecture or
  • A successfully completed university degree in the field of renewable energies, energy, building or environmental engineering or
  • A successfully completed university degree in the field of geosciences, environmental sciences or a comparable subject area or
  • A successfully completed university degree in economics or business administration with a focus on environmental or climate protection, sustainability, resource or energy management
  • And many years (at least 3 years) of relevant professional experience in the field of renewable energies after completing the required studies
  • In particular, you will have
  • Specialist knowledge: of the legal and political framework conditions in the field of solar energy and photovoltaics at federal, state and municipal level, technical expertise in electricity generation with photovoltaics and the technical requirements as well as in the operation and implementation of photovoltaic systems, in real estate management as well as in project management and project controlling
  • Result and goal orientation, in particular ability to implement, sense of responsibility
  • Communication skills, in particular information skills and persuasiveness
  • Advantageous are
  • Good industry knowledge in the field of renewable energies
  • Experience in electricity marketing in the field of renewable energies
  • Knowledge of tax and public procurement law in the field of renewable energies
  • The City of Munich is committed to equality, equal opportunities and anti-discrimination, including in recruitment. We therefore expect all applicants to have equality and diversity skills. You can find more information on the general requirements profile of the City of Munich, which is part of this job advertisement, here .


  • A permanent position in EGr.12 TVöD or EGr. 11 TVöD
  • Annual special payment as well as an attractive company pension scheme, capital-forming benefits, a local and family allowance, coverage of the Deutschlandticket Job or subsidy for the IsarCardJob (tax-free) and performance-related pay
  • Possibility to rent a company apartment from LHM
  • A good work-life balance thanks to flexible working hours, forms of work (e.g. mobile working, home office) and individually selectable working time models without weekend and shift work or on-call duty in the Munich city area
  • Reserved childcare places in municipal crèches, kindergartens and after-school care centers
  • A wide range of training and development opportunities (individual development opportunities, excellent formats and modern forms of learning)
  • Comprehensive company health management
  • Structured induction with a permanent mentor

About us

Munich is many things, above all a cosmopolitan city, a community and a task. Munich needs people who are committed to this city of over 1.5 million inhabitants and who want to help shape the state capital with their professional tasks. Around 43,000 employees already ensure that everything works well in Munich: not only in administration, but also in waste collection, traffic planning, social welfare centers, city gardening, schools and daycare centers, as well as in many other areas.

Contact us

Technical questions
Claudia Heim,
Tel. 089 233-47712,
Questions about the application
Alexandra Sturm,
Tel. 089 233-33967,
Gertrud Erli
Tel. 089 233-64098,

Additional job locations
Entry date
No specification
Contract tye
No specification
No specification
Employer Info
Landeshauptstadt München

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